cgifunA CGI example with Caddy and Zig
rust-quineA simple quine in Rust
aoc2022Advent of Code 2022 solutions in Rust
aoc2023Advent of Code 2023 solutions in Zig
blogsite2Another experiment in blogging sites
zipdlCLI tool for downloading individual files from a ZIP
do-dynDynamic DNS on Digital Ocean
learn-cExercises from C programming book
blogsiteExperiment in blogging sites
ziglingsLearning zig by fixing tiny broken programs
mf-zigtoolsMisc bits of zig code that don't warrant their own repository
z1brcOne Billion Row Challenge
pgzPure Zig postgresql client
smtp-zigSMTP client library in zig
zigwebserverWeb server utilities in zig
kilozZig version of kilo editor
roctorrentbitorrent client in Roc
zbtbitorrent client in Zig
mclminecraft launcher
sql-zigzig library for database access
zip-zigzig library for zip files
pq-zigzig wrapper of libpq