use std::{collections::HashMap}; use regex::Regex; pub fn run(input: String) { let lines: Vec<&str> = input.lines().collect(); let mut lix: usize = 0; let mut ship: HashMap> = HashMap::new(); for line in lines.iter() { lix += 1; let chrs: Vec = line.chars().collect(); // Line with just container numbers after the containers themselves if chrs[1] == '1' { break; } for (ix, container) in chrs.chunks(4).enumerate() { let stack = ship.entry(ix+1).or_insert(Vec::new());// key starts at 1, of course let payload = container[1]; if payload.is_alphabetic() { stack.insert(0, payload) // last one we found is always the bottom of the stack } } } //println!("ship: {:?}", ship); lix += 1; let re = Regex::new(r"^move (\d+) from (\d+) to (\d+)$").unwrap(); assert!(re.is_match("move 1 from 2 to 4")); for line in lines[lix..].iter() { // parse the instruction... // "move 1 from 2 to 1" let mm = re.captures(line).expect("instruction didn't match regex???"); let n: usize = mm.get(1).unwrap().as_str().parse().unwrap(); let ifrom: usize = mm.get(2).unwrap().as_str().parse().unwrap(); let ito: usize = mm.get(3).unwrap().as_str().parse().unwrap(); //println!("moving {} from {} to {}", n, ifrom, ito); // for _ in 0..n { // let stackfrom = ship.get_mut(&ifrom).expect("couldn't find stack to pop from!"); // let ch = stackfrom.pop().expect("failed to pop from stack! maybe it was empty?"); // let stackto = ship.get_mut(&ito).expect("couldn't find stack to push to!"); // stackto.push(ch); // } let stackfrom = ship.get_mut(&ifrom).expect("couldn't find stack to pop from!"); let mut chunk: Vec = Vec::new(); for _ in 0..n { let ch = stackfrom.pop().expect("failed to pop from stack! maybe it was empty?"); chunk.push(ch); } let stackto = ship.get_mut(&ito).expect("couldn't find stack to push to!"); for _ in 0..n { let ch = chunk.pop().unwrap(); stackto.push(ch); } } print!("day 5: "); for i in 1..(ship.keys().len()+1) { let topch = ship.get(&i).unwrap().last().unwrap(); print!("{}", topch); } print!("\n"); }