const std = @import("std"); pub fn main() !void { try std.fmt.format(, "day 10 pt1: {}\n", .{try solve_pt1(std.heap.page_allocator, puzzle_input)}); } const Direction = enum { north, east, south, west, fn opp(self: Direction) Direction { return switch (self) { .north => .south, .east => .west, .south => .north, .west => .east, }; } }; const Cell = enum(u8) { NS = '|', WE = '-', NE = 'L', NW = 'J', SW = '7', SE = 'F', Ground = '.', Start = 'S', _, fn next(self: Cell, whence: Direction) ?Direction { // return switch (self) { // .NS => switch (whence) { // .north => .South, // .south => .North, // else => null, // }, // else => null, // }; // std.log.warn("whence {} cell {}", .{whence, self}); return switch (whence) { .north => switch (self) { .NS => .south, .NE => .east, .NW => .west, else => null, }, .east => switch (self) { .WE => .west, .NE => .north, .SE => .south, else => null, }, .south => switch (self) { .NS => .north, .SW => .west, .SE => .east, else => null, }, .west => switch (self) { .WE => .east, .NW => .north, .SW => .south, else => null, }, }; } }; const Coord = struct { x: i64, y: i64, fn move(self: Coord, dir: Direction) Coord { return switch (dir) { .north => .{ .x = self.x, .y = self.y - 1 }, .south => .{ .x = self.x, .y = self.y + 1 }, .east => .{ .x = self.x + 1, .y = self.y }, .west => .{ .x = self.x - 1, .y = self.y }, }; } }; const Path = struct { grid: *const Grid, current: Coord, // Doesn't include .current trail: std.ArrayList(Coord), // direction we travelled to get to .current whence: Direction, }; const Grid = struct { data: []const u8, width: usize, height: usize, fn parse(input: []const u8) !Grid { return .{ .data = input, .width = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, input, '\n') orelse return error.Foo, .height = std.mem.count(u8, input, "\n") + 1, }; } fn get(self: Grid, c: Coord) ?Cell { if (c.x < 0) return null; if (c.y < 0) return null; if (c.x >= self.width) return null; if (c.y >= self.height) return null; return @enumFromInt([@intCast(c.x + (c.y * (@as(i64, @intCast(self.width)) + 1)))]); // skip the newline } fn findStart(self: Grid) ?Coord { for (0..self.width) |x| { for (0..self.height) |y| { const coord: Coord = .{ .x = @intCast(x), .y = @intCast(y) }; //std.log.warn("checking {any} for start", .{coord}); if (self.get(coord) == .Start) { return coord; } } } return null; } }; fn solve_pt1(a: std.mem.Allocator, input: []const u8) !u64 { // read the Grid // find the start pos // setup 4 Paths on each NESW from S and follow them through, one of them // will link up back to S. // half the trail length gives the answer. const grid = try Grid.parse(input); // std.log.warn("grid width {} height {}", .{ grid.width, grid.height }); const start: Coord = grid.findStart() orelse return error.NoStart; const loop: Path = lp1: for (std.enums.values(Direction)) |dir| { const st = start.move(dir); // std.log.warn("st {any}", .{st}); _ = grid.get(st) orelse continue :lp1; var trail = std.ArrayList(Coord).init(a); defer trail.deinit(); try trail.append(start); var path: Path = .{ .current = st, .grid = &grid, .trail = trail, .whence = dir.opp(), }; while (true) { const cell: Cell = grid.get(path.current) orelse { // std.log.warn("out of bounds", .{}); continue :lp1; }; // out of bounds if (cell == .Start) break :lp1 Path{ .current = path.current, .grid = path.grid, .trail = try trail.clone(), .whence = path.whence, }; // we found it yay const dirn = orelse { // std.log.warn("pipe mismatch", .{}); continue :lp1; }; // pipes don't match up const newpos = path.current.move(dirn); path.whence = dirn.opp(); try trail.append(path.current); path.current = newpos; } } else { return error.NoLoop; }; defer loop.trail.deinit(); // std.log.warn("loop {any}", .{loop}); return loop.trail.items.len / 2; } test "pt1_1" { try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 4), try solve_pt1(std.testing.allocator, test_input1)); } const test_input1 = \\..... \\.S-7. \\.|.|. \\.L-J. \\..... ; const puzzle_input = @embedFile("");