const std = @import("std"); pub const log_level: std.log.Level = .info; pub fn main() !void { try std.fmt.format(, "Day 8 pt1: {}\n", .{try solve_pt1(std.heap.page_allocator, puzzle_input)}); try std.fmt.format(, "Day 8 pt2: {}\n", .{try solve_pt2(std.heap.page_allocator, puzzle_input)}); } const NodeValue = struct { left: []const u8, right: []const u8, }; fn solve_pt1(a: std.mem.Allocator, input: []const u8) !u64 { var spl = std.mem.split(u8, input, "\n\n"); const instructions = spl.first(); const nodes_str = orelse return error.NoNodes; var spl2 = std.mem.split(u8, nodes_str, "\n"); var nodes = std.StringHashMap(NodeValue).init(a); defer nodes.deinit(); while ( |node_line| { var toks = std.mem.tokenize(u8, node_line, " (,)="); const key = orelse return error.NoKey; const left = orelse return error.NoLeft; const right = orelse return error.NoRight; try nodes.putNoClobber(key, .{ .left = left, .right = right, }); } var steps: u64 = 0; var pos: []const u8 = "AAA"; while (!std.mem.eql(u8, pos, "ZZZ")) { for (instructions) |inst| { const node_value = nodes.get(pos).?; pos = switch (inst) { 'R' => node_value.right, 'L' => node_value.left, else => return error.InvalidDirection, }; steps += 1; } } return steps; } test "pt1" { try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 6), try solve_pt1(std.testing.allocator, test_input)); } const HistEntry = struct { node: []const u8, step: u64, }; const Path = struct { // current position pos: []const u8, // list of the _endpoints_ we have reached. endpoints: std.ArrayList(HistEntry), // at n*cycle + offset this path is finished where n is integer > 0 offset: ?u64 = null, cycle: ?u64 = null, fn init(a: std.mem.Allocator, start: []const u8) !Path { return .{ .pos = start, .endpoints = std.ArrayList(HistEntry).init(a), }; } fn visit(self: *Path, node: []const u8) void { self.pos = node; } fn check(self: *Path, step: u64) !void { if (self.cycle != null) return; // we already found the cycle for this one if (self.pos[2] == 'Z') { // we hit an endpoint for (self.endpoints.items) |hi| { // did we aleady hit this endpoint? if (std.mem.eql(u8, hi.node, self.pos)) { self.offset = hi.step; self.cycle = step - hi.step; return; } } try self.endpoints.append(.{ .node = self.pos, .step = step }); } } }; fn solve_pt2(a: std.mem.Allocator, input: []const u8) !u64 { var spl = std.mem.split(u8, input, "\n\n"); const instructions = spl.first(); const nodes_str = orelse return error.NoNodes; var spl2 = std.mem.split(u8, nodes_str, "\n"); var nodes = std.StringHashMap(NodeValue).init(a); defer nodes.deinit(); while ( |node_line| { var toks = std.mem.tokenize(u8, node_line, " (,)="); const key = orelse return error.NoKey; const left = orelse return error.NoLeft; const right = orelse return error.NoRight; try nodes.putNoClobber(key, .{ .left = left, .right = right, }); } var pos: []Path = blk: { var pl = std.ArrayList(Path).init(a); defer pl.deinit(); var ki = nodes.keyIterator(); while ( |k| { if (k.*[2] == 'A') { // ends with an A"start pos {s}", .{k.*}); try pl.append(try Path.init(a, k.*)); } } break :blk try pl.toOwnedSlice(); }; defer; var log = std.time.timestamp() + 10; var steps: u64 = 0; while (!ends(pos)) { // > repeat the whole sequence of instructions as necessary // always repeat the whole set for (instructions) |inst| { for (pos) |*p| { const node_value = nodes.get(p.pos).?; p.visit(switch (inst) { 'R' => node_value.right, 'L' => node_value.left, else => return error.InvalidDirection, }); } } steps += instructions.len; // logging... const now = std.time.timestamp(); if (now > log) { for (pos) |p| {"pos {s}", .{p.pos}); } log = now + 10; } // now check for cycles for (pos) |*p| { try p.check(steps); } // now... check if we have detected a cycle on _all_ tracks for (pos) |p| { if (p.cycle == null) break; } else {"all routes have cycled, using LCM", .{}); // great, so we haven't reached the end but we can probably calculate it. var l = lcm(pos[0].cycle.?, pos[1].cycle.?); for (pos[2..]) |p| { l = lcm(l, p.cycle.?); } // so, this is our answer? return l; } } return steps; } fn ends(pos: []Path) bool { for (pos) |p| { if (p.pos[2] != 'Z') { return false; } } else { std.log.err("ends true", .{}); for (pos) |p| { std.log.err("{s}", .{p.pos}); } return true; } } fn lcm(a: u64, b: u64) u64 { return (a * b) / std.math.gcd(a, b); } test "pt2" { try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 6), try solve_pt2(std.testing.allocator, test_input2)); } const test_input = \\LLR \\ \\AAA = (BBB, BBB) \\BBB = (AAA, ZZZ) \\ZZZ = (ZZZ, ZZZ) ; const test_input2 = \\LR \\ \\11A = (11B, XXX) \\11B = (XXX, 11Z) \\11Z = (11B, XXX) \\22A = (22B, XXX) \\22B = (22C, 22C) \\22C = (22Z, 22Z) \\22Z = (22B, 22B) \\XXX = (XXX, XXX) ; const puzzle_input = @embedFile("");