const std = @import("std"); // Wrapper allocator that counts what the largest amount allocated at any time was from backing_allocator. pub const MaxAllocator = struct { backing_allocator: std.mem.Allocator, currently_allocated: usize = 0, max_allocated: usize = 0, pub fn allocator(self: *@This()) std.mem.Allocator { return std.mem.Allocator{ .ptr = self, .vtable = &.{ .alloc = rawAlloc, .resize = rawResize, .free = rawFree, }, }; } fn rawAlloc(ctx: *anyopaque, len: usize, ptr_align: u8, ret_addr: usize) ?[*]u8 { var self: *@This() = @alignCast(@ptrCast(ctx)); var res = self.backing_allocator.rawAlloc(len, ptr_align, ret_addr); if (res != null) { self.currently_allocated += len; std.log.warn("+{}", .{len}); self.max_allocated = @max(self.currently_allocated, self.max_allocated); } return res; } fn rawResize(ctx: *anyopaque, buf: []u8, buf_align: u8, new_len: usize, ret_addr: usize) bool { var self: *@This() = @alignCast(@ptrCast(ctx)); const res = self.backing_allocator.rawResize(buf, buf_align, new_len, ret_addr); if (res) { self.currently_allocated -= buf.len; std.log.warn("-{}", .{buf.len}); self.currently_allocated += new_len; std.log.warn("+{}", .{new_len}); self.max_allocated = @max(self.currently_allocated, self.max_allocated); } return res; } fn rawFree(ctx: *anyopaque, buf: []u8, buf_align: u8, ret_addr: usize) void { var self: *@This() = @alignCast(@ptrCast(ctx)); self.backing_allocator.rawFree(buf, buf_align, ret_addr); self.currently_allocated -= buf.len; std.log.warn("-{}", .{buf.len}); } }; pub fn maxAllocator(backing_allocator: std.mem.Allocator) MaxAllocator { return MaxAllocator{ .backing_allocator = backing_allocator }; } test { const buflen = 2048; var buf = [_]u8{0} ** buflen; var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&buf); var ma = maxAllocator(fba.allocator()); var a = ma.allocator(); var x = try a.alloc(u8, 100); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 100), ma.max_allocated); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 100), ma.currently_allocated); var y = try a.alloc(u8, 10); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 110), ma.max_allocated); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 110), ma.currently_allocated);; var z = try a.alloc(u8, 50); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 110), ma.max_allocated); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 60), ma.currently_allocated); try std.testing.expect(a.resize(z, 1024)); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1034), ma.max_allocated); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1034), ma.currently_allocated);;; try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 1034), ma.max_allocated); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), ma.currently_allocated); // works on aarch64, not on x86_64 :thinking-face: try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 0), fba.end_index); }