create table if not exists capchas(question text not null, answer text not null, id uuid not null default gen_random_uuid()); create unique index if not exists idx_capchas_id on capchas(id); insert into capchas(question, answer, id) values ('What is 1 + 3?', '4', 'de850c99-906b-4ff8-b8e7-fce3bccd89bc') on conflict do nothing; insert into capchas(question, answer, id) values ('If I have 3 apples and 4 pears, how many fruit do I have?', '7', 'c83e23a8-ec53-48d4-a468-a530dfa634b7') on conflict do nothing; insert into capchas(question, answer, id) values ('What is 3 squared?', '9', '798bf299-4e3b-4f98-acac-f0c41201b613') on conflict do nothing; insert into capchas(question, answer, id) values ('What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything?', '42', '7025fcbf-ebe8-4679-809f-08d632591b03') on conflict do nothing;