const std = @import("std"); const testing = std.testing; const StartupMessage = @import("startup_message.zig"); const AuthenticationOk = @import("authentication_ok.zig"); pub const ProtocolError = error{ InvalidProtocolVersion, InvalidKeyValuePair, InvalidMessageLength, InvalidAuthType, }; pub const ClientError = error{ UnsupportedAuthType, }; pub const AuthType = enum(u32) { AuthTypeOk = 0, }; // Fallible version of enumFromInt pub fn enum_from_int(comptime e: type, i: anytype) ?e { const enum_ti = @typeInfo(e); if (enum_ti != .Enum) @compileError("e should be an enum but instead it's a " ++ @typeName(e)); const ei = enum_ti.Enum; if (@TypeOf(i) != ei.tag_type) @compileError("i should be of type " ++ @typeName(e) ++ " but instead it's " ++ @typeName(@TypeOf(i))); inline for (ei.fields) |field| { if (field.value == i) { return @enumFromInt(i); } } else { return null; } } test { _ = StartupMessage; _ = AuthenticationOk; }