const std = @import("std"); const log = std.log.scoped(.pgz); const ByteArrayList = std.ArrayList(u8); const ProtocolError = @import("../main.zig").ProtocolError; const ClientError = @import("../main.zig").ClientError; const enum_from_int = @import("../main.zig").enum_from_int; pub const Tag: u8 = 'R'; const AuthenticationRequest = @This(); pub const InnerAuthRequestType = enum(u32) { AuthRequestTypeOk = 0, AuthRequestTypeCleartextPassword = 3, }; pub const InnerAuthRequest = union { ok: AuthRequestOk, cleartext_password: AuthRequestCleartextPassword, }; pub const AuthRequestOk = struct {}; pub const AuthRequestCleartextPassword = struct {}; // Authentication requests have multiple subtypes. // It's not possible to have a tagged union with a custom backing integer, so do it the long way inner_type: InnerAuthRequestType, inner: InnerAuthRequest, // takes ownership of b pub fn read(a: std.mem.Allocator, buf: []const u8) !AuthenticationRequest { defer; // No need to retain it we copy all the interesting data out if (buf.len != 4) { log.err("invalid message length, expected 4 got {}", .{buf.len}); return ProtocolError.InvalidMessageLength; } const auth_type_int = std.mem.readIntBig(u32, buf[0..4]); const inner_type = enum_from_int(InnerAuthRequestType, auth_type_int) orelse { log.err("Unsupported auth type {}", .{auth_type_int}); return ClientError.UnsupportedAuthType; }; var inner: InnerAuthRequest = switch (inner_type) { .AuthRequestTypeOk => .{ .ok = AuthRequestOk{} }, .AuthRequestTypeCleartextPassword => .{ .cleartext_password = AuthRequestCleartextPassword{} }, }; return .{ .inner_type = inner_type, .inner = inner, }; } pub fn write(self: AuthenticationRequest, _: std.mem.Allocator, stream_writer: anytype) !void { try stream_writer.writeByte(Tag); try stream_writer.writeIntBig(u32, 8); try stream_writer.writeIntBig(u32, @intFromEnum(self.inner_type)); } pub fn deinit(_: *AuthenticationRequest, _: std.mem.Allocator) void {} test "round trip" { const allocator = std.testing.allocator; var sm = AuthenticationRequest{ .inner_type = .AuthRequestTypeOk, .inner = .{ .ok = AuthRequestOk{} }, }; defer sm.deinit(allocator); var bal = ByteArrayList.init(allocator); defer bal.deinit(); try sm.write(allocator, bal.writer()); var fbs =; var reader = fbs.reader(); const tag = try reader.readByte(); try std.testing.expectEqual(Tag, tag); const len = try reader.readIntBig(u32); const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, len - 4); try reader.readNoEof(buf); var sm2 = try, buf); defer sm2.deinit(allocator); try std.testing.expectEqual(InnerAuthRequestType.AuthRequestTypeOk, sm2.inner_type); }