const std = @import("std"); const testing = std.testing; // Library for sending email over SMTP. // Inspired by golang's standard lib SMTP client. // const log = std.log.scoped(.smtp); /// Sends an email. /// addr is the address of the mail server /// auth is authentication details for the mail server, may be null if server doesn't require auth. /// from is sender's email address /// to is list of recipient email addresses /// msg is the actual, interesting message. /// Note this library makes no effort to ensure your mail is actually a valid email, it should conform to rfc5322 otherwise servers may reject it. pub fn send_mail(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, server: []const u8, auth: ?Auth, from: []const u8, to: []const []const u8, msg: []const u8) !void { var client = try Client.init(allocator, server, auth); defer client.deinit(); try client.send_mail(from, to, msg); try client.quit(); } pub const Auth = struct { user: []const u8, pass: []const u8, }; /// A Client represents a single client connection to an SMTP server. /// which could be used for sending many mails pub const Client = struct { const AuthCaps = struct { plain: bool = false, login: bool = false, }; const Capabilities = struct { starttls: bool = false, pipelining: bool = false, auth: ?AuthCaps = null, fn parse(ehlo_response: []const u8) Capabilities { var caps = Capabilities{}; var spl = std.mem.splitSequence(u8, ehlo_response, "\r\n"); var nxt =; // First line of EHLO response is just hi nxt =; while (nxt != null) : (nxt = { if (std.mem.eql(u8, nxt.?, "STARTTLS")) { caps.starttls = true; } else if (std.mem.startsWith(u8, nxt.?, "AUTH")) { caps.auth = AuthCaps{}; var spl2 = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, nxt.?, ' '); var nxt2 =; nxt2 =; // skip the AUTH part while (nxt2 != null) : (nxt2 = { if (std.mem.eql(u8, nxt2.?, "PLAIN")) { caps.auth.?.plain = true; } else if (std.mem.eql(u8, nxt2.?, "LOGIN")) { caps.auth.?.login = true; } else { log.warn("unrecognised auth mechanism {s}", .{nxt2.?}); } } } else { log.warn("unrecognised capability {s}", .{nxt.?}); } } return caps; } }; const WriteError = error{} || || TlsError; fn writer(self: *Client)*Client, WriteError, write) { return .{ .context = self, }; } fn write(context: *Client, bytes: []const u8) WriteError!usize { if (context.use_tls) { return context.tls_stream.?.write(, bytes); } else { return; } } const ReadError = error{} || || TlsError; fn reader(self: *Client)*Client, ReadError, read) { return .{ .context = self, }; } fn read(context: *Client, buffer: []u8) ReadError!usize { if (context.use_tls) { return context.tls_stream.?.read(, buffer); } else { return; } } allocator: std.mem.Allocator, stream:, capabilities: Capabilities = .{}, use_tls: bool = false, tls_stream: ?std.crypto.tls.Client = null, tls_cert_bundle: ?std.crypto.Certificate.Bundle = null, /// Creates a new SMTP client /// 'server' must be "hostname:port" pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, server: []const u8, maybe_auth: ?Auth) !Client { var spl = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, server, ':'); const host = spl.first(); const port_str =; const port = try std.fmt.parseInt(u16, port_str, 10); const stream = try, host, port); var client = Client{ .allocator = allocator, .stream = stream, }; errdefer client.deinit(); client.read_expect_code(220)); try client.write_line("EHLO localhost"); const ehlo_response = try client.read_expect_code(250); defer; client.capabilities = Capabilities.parse(ehlo_response); if (client.capabilities.starttls) { try client.write_line("STARTTLS"); client.read_expect_code(220)); var bundle = std.crypto.Certificate.Bundle{}; errdefer bundle.deinit(allocator); try std.crypto.Certificate.Bundle.rescan(&bundle, allocator); client.tls_stream = try std.crypto.tls.Client.init(stream, bundle, host); client.tls_cert_bundle = bundle; client.use_tls = true; // Redo the EHLO now we're using TLS, the capabilities might change to e.g. allow login. try client.write_line("EHLO localhost"); const ehlo_response_poststarttls = try client.read_expect_code(250); defer; client.capabilities = Capabilities.parse(ehlo_response_poststarttls); } if (maybe_auth) |auth| { if (client.capabilities.auth) |auth_caps| { if (auth_caps.plain) { // TODO there has to be a nicer way than this surely // TODO support identity as well as user+pass const z = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "{s}\x00{s}\x00{s}", .{ "", auth.user, auth.pass }); defer; const enc = std.base64.standard.Encoder; const zz = try allocator.alloc(u8, enc.calcSize(z.len)); defer; const zzz = enc.encode(zz, z); const line = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "AUTH PLAIN {s}", .{zzz}); defer; try client.write_line(line); client.read_expect_code(235)); } } } return client; } fn deinit(self: *Client) void {; if (self.use_tls) { self.tls_cert_bundle.?.deinit(self.allocator); } } /// lines in SMTP have \r\n terminator :shrug: /// caller owns the result fn read_line(self: *Client) ![]const u8 { var rdr = self.reader(); var res = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator); var wtr = res.writer(); while (true) { const b = try rdr.readByte(); if (b == '\r') { const b2 = try rdr.readByte(); if (b2 == '\n') { break; } else { try wtr.writeByte(b); try wtr.writeByte(b2); continue; } } try wtr.writeByte(b); } const res2 = try res.toOwnedSlice(); log.debug("< {s}", .{res2}); return res2; } // Reads from the stream. // Collects response lines (without code) into the result, which the caller owns. // Checks the numeric code on response lines. fn read_expect_code(self: *Client, expect_code: u16) ![]const u8 { var res = std.ArrayList(u8).init(self.allocator); errdefer res.deinit(); while (true) { var line = try self.read_line(); defer; var spl = std.mem.splitAny(u8, line, " -"); if (std.fmt.parseInt(u16, spl.first(), 10)) |code| { if (code != expect_code) { log.err("invalid response code {}", .{code}); return Client.Error.InvalidResponseCode; } } else |_| { log.err("malformatted line [{s}]", .{line}); return Client.Error.Malformatted; } if (line.len < 3) { log.err("malformatted line [{s}]", .{line}); return Client.Error.Malformatted; } try res.appendSlice(line[4..]); // Continuation lines have "123-FOO" // Final line has a space like "123 BAR" if (line[3] == ' ') { break; } else { try res.appendSlice("\r\n"); } } return try res.toOwnedSlice(); } fn write_line(self: *Client, line: []const u8) !void { log.debug("> {s}", .{line}); var wtr = self.writer(); try wtr.writeAll(line); try wtr.writeAll("\r\n"); } pub fn mail(self: *Client, from: []const u8) !void { const line = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.allocator, "MAIL FROM:<{s}>", .{from}); defer; try self.write_line(line); const r = try self.read_expect_code(250);; } pub fn rcpt(self: *Client, to: []const u8) !void { const line = try std.fmt.allocPrint(self.allocator, "RCPT TO:<{s}>", .{to}); defer; try self.write_line(line); const r = try self.read_expect_code(250);; } pub fn data(self: *Client, rdr: anytype) !void { try self.write_line("DATA"); self.read_expect_code(354)); var buf: [1024]u8 = undefined; var r = try; while (r > 0) : (r = try { // TODO proper dot encoding, ensure any existing sequences of \r\n.\r\n are escaped I guess log.debug("> {s}", .{buf[0..r]}); try self.writer().writeAll(buf[0..r]); } try self.write_line("\r\n."); self.read_expect_code(250)); } pub fn rset(self: *Client) !void { try self.write_line("RSET"); self.read_expect_code(250)); } pub fn quit(self: *Client) !void { try self.write_line("QUIT"); self.read_expect_code(221)); } pub fn send_mail(self: *Client, from: []const u8, to: []const []const u8, msg: []const u8) !void { try self.rset(); try self.mail(from); for (to) |t| { try self.rcpt(t); } var fbs =; try; } const Error = error{ Malformatted, InvalidResponseCode }; }; // TODO why doesn't tls module define an error set? const TlsError = error{ Overflow, TlsAlertUnexpectedMessage, TlsAlertBadRecordMac, TlsAlertRecordOverflow, TlsAlertHandshakeFailure, TlsAlertBadCertificate, TlsAlertUnsupportedCertificate, TlsAlertCertificateRevoked, TlsAlertCertificateExpired, TlsAlertCertificateUnknown, TlsAlertIllegalParameter, TlsAlertUnknownCa, TlsAlertAccessDenied, TlsAlertDecodeError, TlsAlertDecryptError, TlsAlertProtocolVersion, TlsAlertInsufficientSecurity, TlsAlertInternalError, TlsAlertInappropriateFallback, TlsAlertMissingExtension, TlsAlertUnsupportedExtension, TlsAlertUnrecognizedName, TlsAlertBadCertificateStatusResponse, TlsAlertUnknownPskIdentity, TlsAlertCertificateRequired, TlsAlertNoApplicationProtocol, TlsAlertUnknown, TlsUnexpectedMessage, TlsIllegalParameter, TlsRecordOverflow, TlsBadRecordMac, TlsConnectionTruncated, TlsDecodeError, TlsBadLength, }; test "send email" { const mail = \\Subject: test \\From: \\To: \\ \\This is a test message ; const user = std.posix.getenv("SMTP_USERNAME").?; const pass = std.posix.getenv("SMTP_PASSWORD").?; var client = try Client.init(std.testing.allocator, "", .{ .user = user, .pass = pass }); defer client.deinit(); try client.send_mail("", &[_][]const u8{""}, mail); const mail2 = \\Subject: test2 \\From: \\To: \\ \\This is another test message ; try client.send_mail("", &[_][]const u8{""}, mail2); try client.quit(); // Be nice (but we don't have to) } // TODO lots more tests. // TODO use mock SMTP server to integration test local only.