//! Bencoding //! See specification here https://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification#Bencoding const std = @import("std"); pub const Error = error.Malformatted || std.io.AnyReader.Error; // All content is owned by the BValue and must be freed with deinit. pub const BValue = union(enum) { string: []const u8, int: i64, list: std.ArrayList(BValue), dict: std.StringArrayHashMap(BValue), pub fn deinit(self: *BValue, a: std.mem.Allocator) void { switch (self.*) { .string => |s| { a.free(s); }, .list => |*l| { for (l.items) |*i| { i.deinit(a); } l.deinit(); }, .dict => |*d| { var it = d.iterator(); while (it.next()) |entry| { a.free(entry.key_ptr.*); entry.value_ptr.*.deinit(a); } d.deinit(); }, .int => {}, } } }; pub fn bdecodeBuf(a: std.mem.Allocator, buf: []const u8) !BValue { var fbs = std.io.fixedBufferStream(buf); return try bdecode(a, fbs.reader()); } pub fn bdecode(a: std.mem.Allocator, base_reader: anytype) anyerror!BValue { var reader = PeekStream.init(base_reader.any()); return bdecodeInner(a, &reader, 0); } const PeekStream = std.io.PeekStream(.{ .Static = 1 }, std.io.AnyReader); // Note: uses defined types only to avoid trying to recursively evaulate this function // at compile time, otherwise we run into https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/13724 fn bdecodeInner(a: std.mem.Allocator, peekStream: *PeekStream, depth: u32) !BValue { if (depth > 100) { // TODO diagnostic... return error.Malformatted; } var reader = peekStream.reader(); var byte = try reader.readByte(); if (std.ascii.isDigit(byte)) { try peekStream.putBackByte(byte); return .{ .string = try readString(a, peekStream) }; } else { switch (byte) { 'i' => { const max_len = comptime std.fmt.comptimePrint("{}", .{std.math.minInt(i64)}).len; var s = reader.readUntilDelimiterAlloc(a, 'e', max_len) catch return error.Malformatted; defer a.free(s); const i = std.fmt.parseInt(i64, s, 10) catch return error.Malformatted; return .{ .int = i }; }, 'l' => { var list = std.ArrayList(BValue).init(a); errdefer { for (list.items) |*i| { i.deinit(a); } list.deinit(); } while (true) { const b2 = try reader.readByte(); if (b2 == 'e') break; try peekStream.putBackByte(b2); var val = try bdecodeInner(a, peekStream, depth + 1); errdefer val.deinit(a); try list.append(val); } return .{ .list = list }; }, 'd' => { var dict = std.StringArrayHashMap(BValue).init(a); errdefer { var it = dict.iterator(); while (it.next()) |entry| { a.free(entry.key_ptr.*); entry.value_ptr.*.deinit(a); } dict.deinit(); } lp: while (true) { const b2 = try reader.readByte(); if (b2 == 'e') break :lp; try peekStream.putBackByte(b2); var key = try readString(a, peekStream); errdefer a.free(key); var val = try bdecode(a, reader); errdefer val.deinit(a); try dict.put(key, val); } return .{ .dict = dict }; }, else => return error.Malformatted, // TODO diagnostics } } } // Result is owned by the caller and must be freed fn readString(a: std.mem.Allocator, peekStream: *PeekStream) ![]const u8 { var reader = peekStream.reader(); const max_len = comptime std.fmt.comptimePrint("{}", .{std.math.maxInt(usize)}).len; const str_len_s = reader.readUntilDelimiterAlloc(a, ':', max_len) catch { return error.Malformatted; }; defer a.free(str_len_s); var strlen = std.fmt.parseInt(usize, str_len_s, 10) catch return error.Malformatted; var string = try a.alloc(u8, strlen); errdefer a.free(string); reader.readNoEof(string) catch return error.Malformatted; return string; } test "bdecode empty" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.EndOfStream, bdecodeBuf(a, "")); } test "bdecode too short" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "1")); } test "bdecode plain number" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "12")); } test "bdecode garbage" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "xz1234")); } test "bdecode number" { var a = std.testing.allocator; var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "i123e"); defer bval.deinit(a); try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(BValue{ .int = 123 }, bval); } test "bdecode number negative" { var a = std.testing.allocator; var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "i-123e"); defer bval.deinit(a); try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(BValue{ .int = -123 }, bval); } test "bdecode number empty" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "ie")); } test "bdecode number just sign" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "i-e")); } test "bdecode number no end" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "i123123671283")); } test "bdecode number out of range" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "i9223372036854775808e")); } test "bdecode string" { var a = std.testing.allocator; var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "5:hello"); defer bval.deinit(a); try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(BValue{ .string = "hello" }, bval); } test "bdecode string too short" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "5:hell")); } test "bdecode list" { var a = std.testing.allocator; var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "l5:hello5:worlde"); defer bval.deinit(a); try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), bval.list.items.len); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("hello", bval.list.items[0].string); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("world", bval.list.items[1].string); } test "invalid list" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.EndOfStream, bdecodeBuf(a, "l5:hello5:world")); // missing end } test "dict" { var a = std.testing.allocator; var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "d5:hello5:worlde"); defer bval.deinit(a); var v = bval.dict.getPtr("hello") orelse return error.TestExpectedNotNull; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("world", v.string); } test "invalid dict no value" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "d5:hello5:world2:hie")); } test "invalid dict wrong key type" { var a = std.testing.allocator; try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "di32e5:helloe")); } test "nested structure" { var a = std.testing.allocator; var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "d5:hello5:world2:hili123ei456el4:nesteee"); defer bval.deinit(a); var v = bval.dict.getPtr("hello") orelse return error.TestExpectedNotNull; try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("world", v.string); var v2 = bval.dict.getPtr("hi") orelse return error.TestExpectedNotNull; try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(v2.*.list.items[0], BValue{ .int = 123 }); try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(v2.*.list.items[1], BValue{ .int = 456 }); try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("nest", v2.*.list.items[2].list.items[0].string); }