
Advent of Code 2022 solutions in Rust
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      1 use std::collections::HashMap;
      3 use regex::Regex;
      5 #[derive(Debug,Clone)]
      6 struct Track {
      7     my_current_valve: String,
      8     elephant_current_valve: String,
      9     final_pressure_release: u32,
     10     valves_opened: Vec<String>,
     11     debug: String,
     12 }
     13 #[derive(Debug)]
     14 struct Valve {
     15     flow_rate: u32,
     16     next_valves: Vec<String>,
     17 }
     19 #[derive(PartialEq)]
     20 enum Move {Open, Move(String)}
     22 fn poss_moves(valves: &HashMap<String,Valve>, current_valve: &String, open_valves: &Vec<String>) -> Vec<Move> {
     23     let mut res = vec![];
     24     let cv = &valves[current_valve];
     25     // try open the valve (if it's got any flow, and if it's not already open)
     26     if cv.flow_rate > 0 && !open_valves.contains(current_valve) {
     27         res.push(Move::Open);
     28     }
     29     // Alt, try moving to another valve
     30     for nv in &cv.next_valves {
     31         res.push(Move::Move(nv.clone()));
     32     }
     33     res
     34 }
     36 pub fn run(input: String) {
     37     let re = Regex::new(r"^Valve ([A-Z]+) has flow rate=(\d+); tunnels? leads? to valves? ([A-Z, ]+)$").unwrap();
     38     let valves: HashMap<String,Valve> = input.lines().map(|line| {
     39         let cap = re.captures(line).expect(format!("line didn't match regex! {}", line).as_str());
     40         let name = cap[1].to_string();
     41         let flow_rate: u32 = cap[2].parse().expect("flow rate wasn't a u32!");
     42         let next_valves: Vec<String> = cap[3].split(", ").map(|x| { x.to_string() }).collect();
     43         (name, Valve{flow_rate,next_valves})
     44     }).collect();
     45     // How to do this one?
     46     // I think... tracking all options? It's basically a tree right?
     47     // max depth of the tree is 30,corresponding to minutes
     48     // at each depth, options are -> open valve OR move to another valve
     49     // and at each depth we have a score, and a list of already-opened valves 
     51     let root = Track {my_current_valve: "AA".to_string(), elephant_current_valve: "AA".to_string(), final_pressure_release:0, valves_opened: vec![], debug: "Start at AA\n".to_string()};
     52     let mut tracks: Vec<Track> = vec![root];
     53     let mut next_tracks: Vec<Track> = Vec::new();
     54     //let total_mins: u32 = 30;
     55     let total_mins: u32 = 26;
     56     for minute in 0..=total_mins {
     57         let mins_remaining = total_mins - minute;
     58         for track in &tracks {
     59             // Cartesian the next moves by me and the elephant
     60             // For each in the product, calculate changed final_pressure_release (if we opened a valve(s))
     61             // And extend the debug string!
     62             let my_poss_moves = poss_moves(&valves, &track.my_current_valve, &track.valves_opened);
     63             for mm in my_poss_moves {
     64                 let mut vo = track.valves_opened.clone();
     65                 if mm == Move::Open {
     66                     vo.push(track.my_current_valve.clone()); // Care, we don't try to open the same valve at once.
     67                 }
     68                 let e_poss_moves = poss_moves(&valves, &track.elephant_current_valve, &vo);
     69                 for em in e_poss_moves {
     70                     let mut nt = track.clone();
     71                     nt.debug.push_str(format!("minute {}", minute+1).as_str());
     72                     if let Move::Move(nv) = &mm {
     73                         nt.my_current_valve = nv.clone();
     74                         nt.debug.push_str(format!(", I Moved To {}", nv).as_str());
     75                     } else {
     76                         nt.valves_opened.push(track.my_current_valve.clone());
     77                         let cv = &valves[&track.my_current_valve];
     78                         if mins_remaining > 0 {
     79                             nt.final_pressure_release += cv.flow_rate * (mins_remaining-1);
     80                         }
     81                         nt.debug.push_str(format!(", I Opened {}", track.my_current_valve).as_str());
     82                     } 
     83                     if let Move::Move(nv) = &em {
     84                         nt.elephant_current_valve = nv.clone();
     85                         nt.debug.push_str(format!(", Elephant Moved To {}", nv).as_str());
     86                     } else {
     87                         nt.valves_opened.push(track.elephant_current_valve.clone());
     88                         let cv = &valves[&track.elephant_current_valve];
     89                         if mins_remaining > 0 {
     90                             nt.final_pressure_release += cv.flow_rate * (mins_remaining-1);
     91                         }
     92                         nt.debug.push_str(format!(", Elephant Opened {}", track.elephant_current_valve).as_str());  
     93                     }
     94                     nt.debug.push('\n');
     95                     next_tracks.push(nt);
     96                 }
     97             }
     98         }
     99         next_tracks.sort_by(|t1, t2| {t1.final_pressure_release.cmp(&t2.final_pressure_release)}.reverse());
    100         // 3.pow(30) is too many options, just prune weak ones.
    101         // It means we can only make maybe a couple of non-optimal steps, so we might get stuck in a local maximum.
    102         next_tracks.truncate(3_usize.pow(8));
    103         tracks = next_tracks.clone();
    104         next_tracks = Vec::new();// prune? keep the top N scorers?
    105     }
    106     // Find the track with the biggest final score
    107     let max_track = tracks.iter().max_by(|t1,t2| {t1.final_pressure_release.cmp(&t2.final_pressure_release)}).unwrap();
    108     //let max_pressure_release = tracks.iter().map(|t| {t.final_pressure_release}).max().unwrap();
    109     println!("Day 16: {}", max_track.final_pressure_release);
    110 }