
Advent of Code 2022 solutions in Rust
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      1 use std::{collections::HashMap};
      3 // Making a recursive data structure in Rust is a pain in the ass.
      4 // So don't bother, just link one way (nodes own their children)
      5 // And we'll separately track our 'current working directory' with a 
      6 // vector of keys into the tree
      7 #[derive(Debug)]
      8 struct Node {
      9     children: HashMap<String, Node>,
     10     // Intrinsic size of the file at this location.
     11     size: Option<u32>,
     12     // Is the location a directory. Technically should be able to tell by presence/absence of children, but 
     13     // empty directories are a thing.
     14     isdir: bool,
     15 }
     17 impl Node {
     18     fn new(isdir: bool) -> Node {
     19         Node {
     20             children: HashMap::new(),
     21             size: None,
     22             isdir: isdir,
     23         }
     24     }
     25     fn set(&mut self, path: &Vec<&str>, size: Option<u32>, isdir: bool) {
     26         let mut cn = self;
     27         for ch in path {
     28             cn = cn.children.entry((*ch).to_owned()).or_insert(Node::new(true));
     29         }
     30         cn.size = size;
     31         cn.isdir = isdir;
     32     }
     33     /**
     34      * Returns a map of total, recursive directory sizes,by relative path from the current directory
     35      * Empty string key is the current directory size
     36      */ 
     37     fn dir_sizes(self) -> HashMap<String, u32> {
     38         let mut res: HashMap<String, u32> = HashMap::new();
     39         let mut mysize: u32 = 0;
     40         for (name, nn) in self.children {
     41             if let Some(fz) = nn.size {
     42                 // It's a file, just add the size
     43                 mysize += fz;
     44             } else {
     45                 // It's a directory, add the size _and_ all the entries with subdir prefixed
     46                 let child_ds = nn.dir_sizes();
     47                 let child_sz = child_ds[""];
     48                 mysize += child_sz;
     49                 for (cn, sz) in child_ds {
     50                     res.insert(format!("{}/{}", name, cn), sz);
     51                 }
     52             }
     53         }
     54         res.insert("".to_owned(), mysize);
     55         res
     56     }
     57 }
     59 pub fn run(input: String) {
     60     let mut root = Node::new(true);
     61     let mut cwd: Vec<&str>= vec![];
     62     let lines: Vec<&str> = input.lines().collect();
     63     let mut i = 0;
     64     loop {
     65         if i >= lines.len() {
     66             break;
     67         }
     68         let line = lines[i];
     69         let toks: Vec<&str> = line.split_whitespace().collect();
     70         if toks[0] != "$" {
     71             panic!("expected a command, got {}",line);
     72         }
     73         match toks[1] {
     74             "cd" => {
     75                 i += 1;
     76                 let dirname = toks[2];
     77                 if dirname == "/" {
     78                     cwd.clear();
     79                 } else if dirname == ".." {
     80                     cwd.pop();
     81                 } else {
     82                     cwd.push(dirname);
     83                 }
     84                 root.set(&cwd, None, true);
     85             }
     86             "ls" => {
     87                 i += 1;
     88                 loop {
     89                     if i >= lines.len() {
     90                         break;
     91                     }
     92                     let lsline = lines[i];
     93                     let lstoks: Vec<&str> = lsline.split_whitespace().collect();
     94                     if lstoks[0] == "$" {
     95                         // This is the next command, loop back to the top without incrementing!
     96                         break;
     97                     }
     98                     let (fsize, isdir) = if lstoks[0] == "dir" {
     99                         (None, true)
    100                     } else {
    101                         (Some(lstoks[0].parse().expect("filesize wasn't a u32!")), false)
    102                     };
    103                     let fname = lstoks[1];
    104                     cwd.push(fname);
    105                     root.set(&cwd, fsize, isdir);
    106                     cwd.pop();
    107                     i += 1;
    108                 }
    109             }
    110             cmd => {
    111                 panic!("unknown command {}", cmd)
    112             }
    113         }
    114     }
    115     let ds = root.dir_sizes();
    116     // let mut tot: u32 = 0;
    117     // for (_, sz) in ds {
    118     //     if sz <= 100000 {
    119     //         tot += sz;
    120     //     }
    121     // }
    122     // println!("Day 7: {}", tot);
    123     let fs_size:u32 = 70000000;
    124     let total_used = ds.get("").unwrap();
    125     let total_free = fs_size - total_used;
    126     let update_size:u32 = 30000000;
    127     let need_to_free = update_size - total_free;
    128     let ddsz = ds.values()
    129         .filter(|sz| { **sz >= need_to_free })
    130         .fold(fs_size, |acc, e| { acc.min(*e) });
    131     println!("Day 7: {}", ddsz);
    132 }