
Advent of Code 2022 solutions in Rust
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      1 use core::panic;
      2 use std::collections::HashSet;
      4 type Pt = (i32, i32);
      5 /**
      6  * how should the tail move to catch up with the head?
      7  */ 
      8 fn catchup(head: Pt, tail: Pt) -> Pt {
      9     let (hx, hy) = head;
     10     let (tx, ty) = tail;
     11     let xdiff = hx - tx;
     12     let ydiff = hy - ty;
     13     // only move if we're not adjescent (incl diagonally)
     14     if xdiff.abs() > 1 || ydiff.abs() > 1 {
     15         // only move 1 square (x and or y) in the direction of the head
     16         (tail.0 + xdiff.signum(), tail.1 + ydiff.signum())
     17     } else {
     18         (tail.0, tail.1)
     19     }
     21 }
     22 pub fn run(input: String) {
     23     // series of steps
     24     // let mut head: Pt = (0,0);
     25     // let mut tail: Pt = (0,0);
     26     // let mut htrail: Vec<Pt> = Vec::new();
     27     let mut rope: Vec<Pt> = (0..10).map(|_| { (0,0) as Pt}).collect();
     28     let mut trail: Vec<Pt> = Vec::new();
     29     for line in input.lines() {
     30         let mut toks = line.split_whitespace();
     31         let dir: &str ="expected a direction!");
     32         let reps: u32 ="expected a reps!").parse().expect("reps wasn't a number!");
     33         for _ in 0..reps {
     34             let head = rope[0];
     35             let newhead = match dir {
     36                 "U" => (head.0, head.1+1),
     37                 "D" => (head.0, head.1-1),
     38                 "L" => (head.0-1, head.1),
     39                 "R" => (head.0+1, head.1),
     40                 dir => panic!("unexpected direction {}", dir),
     41             };
     42             rope[0] = newhead;
     43             for l in 1..rope.len() {
     44                 rope[l] = catchup(rope[l-1], rope[l]);
     45             }
     46             let tail = rope.last().unwrap();
     47             // htrail.push(head);
     48             // tail = catchup(head, tail);
     49             trail.push(*tail);
     50         }
     51     }
     52     //println!("htrail {:?}", htrail);
     53     //println!("trail {:?}", trail);
     54     let trailsz = trail.into_iter().collect::<HashSet<Pt>>().len();
     55     println!("Day 9: {}", trailsz);
     56 }