
Advent of Code 2023
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day10.zig (10400B)

      1 const std = @import("std");
      3 pub fn main() !void {
      4     try std.fmt.format(, "day 10 pt1: {}\n", .{try solve_pt1(std.heap.page_allocator, puzzle_input)});
      5     try std.fmt.format(, "day 10 pt2: {}\n", .{try solve_pt2(std.heap.page_allocator, puzzle_input)});
      6 }
      8 const Direction = enum { north, east, south, west, 
      9     fn opp(self: Direction) Direction {
     10         return switch (self) {
     11             .north => .south,
     12             .east => .west,
     13             .south => .north,
     14             .west => .east,
     15         };
     16     }
     17 };
     19 const Cell = enum(u8) {
     20     NS = '|',
     21     WE = '-',
     22     NE = 'L',
     23     NW = 'J',
     24     SW = '7',
     25     SE = 'F',
     26     Ground = '.',
     27     Start = 'S',
     28     _,
     30     fn next(self: Cell, whence: Direction) ?Direction {
     31         // return switch (self) {
     32         //     .NS => switch (whence) {
     33         //         .north => .South,
     34         //         .south => .North,
     35         //         else => null,
     36         //     },
     37         //     else => null,
     38         // };
     39         // std.log.warn("whence {} cell {}", .{whence, self});
     40         return switch (whence) {
     41             .north => switch (self) {
     42                 .NS => .south,
     43                 .NE => .east,
     44                 .NW => .west,
     45                 else => null,
     46             },
     47             .east => switch (self) {
     48                 .WE => .west,
     49                 .NE => .north,
     50                 .SE => .south,
     51                 else => null,
     52             },
     53             .south => switch (self) {
     54                 .NS => .north,
     55                 .SW => .west,
     56                 .SE => .east,
     57                 else => null,
     58             },
     59             .west => switch (self) {
     60                 .WE => .east,
     61                 .NW => .north,
     62                 .SW => .south,
     63                 else => null,
     64             },
     65         };
     66     }
     68     fn from(d1: Direction, d2: Direction) !Cell {
     69         return switch (d1) {
     70             .north => switch (d2) {
     71                 .east => .NE,
     72                 .south => .NS,
     73                 .west => .NW,
     74                 else => error.Foo,
     75             },
     76             .east => switch (d2) {
     77                 .north => .NE,
     78                 .south => .SE,
     79                 .west => .WE,
     80                 else => error.Foo,
     81             },
     82             .south => switch (d2) {
     83                 .north => .NS,
     84                 .east => .SE,
     85                 .west => .SW,
     86                 else => error.Foo,
     87             },
     88             .west => switch (d2) {
     89                 .north => .NW,
     90                 .east => .WE,
     91                 .south => .SW,
     92                 else => error.Foo,
     93             }
     94         };
     95     }
     96 };
     98 const Coord = struct {
     99     x: i64,
    100     y: i64,
    102     fn move(self: Coord, dir: Direction) Coord {
    103         return switch (dir) {
    104             .north => .{ .x = self.x, .y = self.y - 1 },
    105             .south => .{ .x = self.x, .y = self.y + 1 },
    106             .east => .{ .x = self.x + 1, .y = self.y },
    107             .west => .{ .x = self.x - 1, .y = self.y },
    108         };
    109     }
    110 };
    112 const Path = struct {
    113     grid: *const Grid,
    114     current: Coord,
    115     // Doesn't include .current
    116     trail: std.AutoArrayHashMap(Coord, bool),
    117     // direction we travelled to get to .current
    118     whence: Direction,
    120     // Figure out what the start cell _should_ be to complete the path
    121     // essentially it's a wildcard. Should be a combination of the initial 
    122     // direction plus the final one...
    123     start_equiv: Cell = Cell.Start,
    125     fn deinit(self: *Path) void {
    126         self.trail.deinit();
    127     }
    129     // return a ray from x=0.. to the supplied coordinate.
    130     // including only cells which are part of the trail 
    131     // and are not tangents (i.e. `-`)
    132     fn ray(self: Path, a: std.mem.Allocator, c: Coord) ![]const Cell {
    133         var al = std.ArrayList(Cell).init(a);
    134         defer al.deinit();
    135         for (0..@intCast(c.x)) |x| {
    136             const cp: Coord = .{.x = @intCast(x), .y = c.y};
    137             if (self.is_path(cp)) {
    138                 var cpp = self.grid.get(cp) orelse @panic("borken path");
    139                 if (cpp == .Start) {
    140                     cpp = self.start_equiv;
    141                 }
    142                 if (cpp == .WE) { // skip 
    143                     continue;
    144                 }
    145                 try al.append(cpp);
    146             }
    147         }
    148         return try al.toOwnedSlice();
    149     }
    151     fn is_path(self: Path, c: Coord) bool {
    152         return self.trail.getKey(c) != null;
    153     }
    154 };
    156 const Grid = struct {
    157     data: []const u8,
    158     width: usize,
    159     height: usize,
    160     start: Coord,
    162     fn parse(input: []const u8) !Grid {
    163         var grid: Grid = undefined;
    164 = input;
    165         grid.width = std.mem.indexOfScalar(u8, input, '\n') orelse return error.Foo;
    166         grid.height = std.mem.count(u8, input, "\n") + 1;
    167         grid.start = lp1: for (0..grid.width) |x| {
    168             for (0..grid.height) |y| {
    169                 const coord: Coord = .{ .x = @intCast(x), .y = @intCast(y) };
    170                 if (grid.get(coord) == .Start) {
    171                     break :lp1 coord;
    172                 }
    173             }
    174         } else {
    175             return error.NoStart;
    176         };
    177         return grid;
    178     }
    180     fn get(self: Grid, c: Coord) ?Cell {
    181         if (c.x < 0) return null;
    182         if (c.y < 0) return null;
    183         if (c.x >= self.width) return null;
    184         if (c.y >= self.height) return null;
    185         return @enumFromInt([@intCast(c.x + (c.y * (@as(i64, @intCast(self.width)) + 1)))]); // skip the newline
    186     }
    188     fn findLoop(self: *const Grid, a: std.mem.Allocator) !Path {
    189         return lp1: for (std.enums.values(Direction)) |dir| {
    190             const st = self.start.move(dir);
    191             // std.log.warn("st {any}", .{st});
    192             _ = self.get(st) orelse continue :lp1;
    193             var trail = std.AutoArrayHashMap(Coord, bool).init(a);
    194             defer trail.deinit();
    195             try trail.put(self.start, true);
    196             var path: Path = .{
    197                 .current = st,
    198                 .grid = self,
    199                 .trail = trail,
    200                 .whence = dir.opp(),
    201             };
    202             while (true) {
    203                 const cell: Cell = self.get(path.current) orelse {
    204                     // std.log.warn("out of bounds", .{});
    205                     continue :lp1; 
    206                 }; // out of bounds
    207                 if (cell == .Start) {
    208                     break :lp1 Path{
    209                                     .current = path.current,
    210                                     .grid = path.grid,
    211                                     .trail = try trail.clone(),
    212                                     .whence = path.whence,
    213                                     .start_equiv = try Cell.from(dir, path.whence),
    214                     };
    215                 } // we found it yay
    216                 const dirn = orelse {
    217                     // std.log.warn("pipe mismatch", .{});
    218                     continue :lp1;
    219                 }; // pipes don't match up
    220                 const newpos = path.current.move(dirn);
    221                 path.whence = dirn.opp();
    222                 try trail.put(path.current, true);
    223                 path.current = newpos;
    224             }
    225         } else {
    226             return error.NoLoop;
    227         };    
    228     }
    229 };
    233 fn solve_pt1(a: std.mem.Allocator, input: []const u8) !u64 {
    234     const grid = try Grid.parse(input);
    235     var loop = try grid.findLoop(a);
    236     defer loop.deinit();
    237     return loop.trail.unmanaged.entries.len / 2;
    238 }
    240 test "pt1_1" {
    241     try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 4), try solve_pt1(std.testing.allocator, test_input1));
    242 }
    244 const test_input1 =
    245     \\.....
    246     \\.S-7.
    247     \\.|.|.
    248     \\.L-J.
    249     \\.....
    250 ;
    252 fn solve_pt2(a: std.mem.Allocator, input: []const u8) !u64 {
    253     const grid = try Grid.parse(input);
    254     var loop = try grid.findLoop(a);
    255     defer loop.deinit();
    256     // scan the grid, raycast
    257     var res: u64 = 0;
    258     var enclosed_coords = std.AutoArrayHashMap(Coord, bool).init(a);
    259     defer enclosed_coords.deinit();
    260     for (0..grid.width) |x| for (0..grid.height) |y| {
    261         const c: Coord = .{.x = @intCast(x), .y = @intCast(y)};
    262         // Skip any coords which are actually part of the path
    263         if (loop.is_path(c)) continue;
    264         const ray = try loop.ray(a, c);
    265         //std.log.warn("checking ray {any}", .{ray});
    266         defer;
    267         // F7 counts 0 
    268         // LJ counts 0 
    269         // L7 counts 1
    270         // FJ counts 1
    271         // | counts 1
    272         // so we could iterate, and only count J / 7 if they are preceeded by F / L
    273         var ct: usize = 0;
    274         for (ray, 0..) |cell, ix| {
    275             if (cell == .NS) {
    276                 ct += 1;
    277             } else if (cell == .SW) {
    278                 if (ix > 0) {
    279                     const prev = ray[ix-1];
    280                     if (prev == .NE) {
    281                         ct += 1;
    282                     }
    283                 }
    284             } else if (cell == .NW) {
    285                 if (ix > 0) {
    286                     const prev = ray[ix-1];
    287                     if (prev == .SE) {
    288                         ct += 1;
    289                     }
    290                 }
    291             }
    292         }
    293         if (@mod(ct, 2) == 1) {
    294             // it's a inside cell
    295             //std.log.warn("{any}", .{ray});
    296             try enclosed_coords.put(c, true);
    297             res += 1;
    298         } else {
    299             // it's a outside cell, ignore it!
    300         }
    301     };
    303     // debug print
    304     // var w =;
    305     // for (0..grid.height) |y| {
    306     //     for (0..grid.width) |x| {
    307     //         const c: Coord = .{.x = @intCast(x), .y = @intCast(y)};
    308     //         const cell:u8 = if (enclosed_coords.getKey(c) == null) 
    309     //             @intFromEnum(grid.get(c) orelse @panic("bork"))
    310     //          else 
    311     //             'I'
    312     //         ;
    313     //         try w.writeByte(cell);
    314     //     }
    315     //     try w.writeByte('\n');
    316     // }
    317     return res;
    318 }
    320 test "pt2" {
    321     try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 1), try solve_pt2(std.testing.allocator, test_input1));
    322 }
    323 test "pt2_2" {
    324     try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(u64, 10), try solve_pt2(std.testing.allocator, test_input2));
    325 }
    327 const test_input2 = 
    328 \\FF7FSF7F7F7F7F7F---7
    329 \\L|LJ||||||||||||F--J
    330 \\FL-7LJLJ||||||LJL-77
    331 \\F--JF--7||LJLJ7F7FJ-
    332 \\L---JF-JLJ.||-FJLJJ7
    333 \\|F|F-JF---7F7-L7L|7|
    334 \\|FFJF7L7F-JF7|JL---7
    335 \\7-L-JL7||F7|L7F-7F7|
    336 \\L.L7LFJ|||||FJL7||LJ
    337 \\L7JLJL-JLJLJL--JLJ.L
    338 ;
    339 const puzzle_input = @embedFile("");