
Advent of Code 2024
Log | Files | Refs | README (1537B)

      1 import java.nio.file.Files;
      2 import java.nio.file.Path;
      3 import;
      4 import java.util.*;
      5 import*;
      7 class day11_pt2 {
      8   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
      9     // Order of stones is totally unimportant, store them in a map to avoid duplication... 
     10     var input = Files.readString(Path.of(args[0])).trim();
     11     var stones = new HashMap<String,Long>();
     12     for (var stone: input.split(" ")) {
     13       var ct = stones.getOrDefault(stone, 0L);
     14       stones.put(stone, ct+1);
     15     }
     16     var ns = new HashMap<String,Long>();
     17     for (var i=0;i<75;i++) {
     18       for (var e: stones.entrySet()) {
     19         var stone = e.getKey();
     20         if ("0".equals(stone)) {
     21           var ct = ns.getOrDefault("1", 0L);
     22           ns.put("1", ct + e.getValue());
     23         } else if (stone.length() % 2 == 0) {
     24           var s1 = stone.substring(0, stone.length()/2);
     25           var s2 = "%d".formatted(Long.parseLong(stone.substring(stone.length() / 2)));
     26           var ct1 = ns.getOrDefault(s1, 0L);
     27           ns.put(s1, ct1 + e.getValue());
     28           var ct2 = ns.getOrDefault(s2, 0L);
     29           ns.put(s2, ct2 + e.getValue());
     30         } else {
     31           var newKey = "%d".formatted(Long.parseLong(stone) * 2024);
     32           var ct = ns.getOrDefault(newKey, 0L);
     33           ns.put(newKey, ct + e.getValue());
     34         }
     35       }
     36       stones = ns;
     37       ns = new HashMap<String,Long>();
     38     }
     39     var res = stones.values().stream().mapToLong(i -> i).sum();
     40     System.out.printf("Day 11, pt2: %d\n", res);
     41   }
     42 }