bencode.zig (12142B)
1 //! Bencoding 2 //! See specification here 3 4 const std = @import("std"); 5 const AnyWriter = @import("anywriter.zig"); 6 7 pub const Error = error.Malformatted ||; 8 9 // All content is owned by the BValue and must be freed with deinit. 10 // hmmm, this gets a bit awkward from the _writing_ side of things. 11 // What should I do? Optionally owned? Yeah let's do that. 12 pub const BValue = union(enum) { 13 int: i64, 14 string: struct { 15 string: []const u8, 16 owned: bool = false, 17 }, 18 list: struct { 19 list: std.ArrayList(BValue), 20 valuesOwned: bool = false, 21 }, 22 dict: struct { 23 dict: std.StringArrayHashMap(BValue), 24 keysAndValuesOwned: bool = false, 25 }, 26 27 pub fn bencode(self: *BValue, base_writer: anytype) !void { 28 var wrap = AnyWriter.wrapper(base_writer); 29 var writer = wrap.any(); 30 try self.bencodeInner(writer); 31 } 32 33 // Note: uses defined types only to avoid trying to recursively evaulate this function 34 // at compile time, otherwise we run into 35 fn bencodeInner(self: *BValue, writer: AnyWriter) !void { 36 switch (self.*) { 37 .int => |i| { 38 try std.fmt.format(writer, "i{}e", .{i}); 39 }, 40 .string => |s| { 41 try std.fmt.format(writer, "{}:{s}", .{ s.string.len, s.string }); 42 }, 43 .list => |*l| { 44 try writer.writeByte('l'); 45 for (l.list.items) |*i| { 46 try i.bencodeInner(writer); 47 } 48 try writer.writeByte('e'); 49 }, 50 .dict => |*d| { 51 // Keys must be strings and appear in sorted order (sorted as raw strings, not alphanumerics). The strings should be compared using a binary comparison, not a culture-specific "natural" comparison. 52 const Ctx = struct { 53 keys: [][]const u8, 54 pub fn lessThan(ctx: @This(), a_index: usize, b_index: usize) bool { 55 const a_k = ctx.keys[a_index]; 56 const b_k = ctx.keys[b_index]; 57 return std.mem.order(u8, a_k, b_k) == .lt; 58 } 59 }; 60 var dict: *std.StringArrayHashMap(BValue) = &d.dict; 61 dict.sort(Ctx{ .keys = dict.keys() }); 62 63 try writer.writeByte('d'); 64 var it = dict.iterator(); 65 while ( |entry| { 66 try std.fmt.format(writer, "{}:{s}", .{ entry.key_ptr.*.len, entry.key_ptr.* }); 67 try entry.value_ptr.*.bencodeInner(writer); 68 } 69 try writer.writeByte('e'); 70 }, 71 } 72 } 73 74 pub fn deinit(self: *BValue, a: std.mem.Allocator) void { 75 switch (self.*) { 76 .int => {}, 77 .string => |s| { 78 if (s.owned) 79; 80 }, 81 .list => |*l| { 82 if (l.valuesOwned) 83 for (l.list.items) |*i| 84 i.deinit(a); 85 l.list.deinit(); 86 }, 87 .dict => |*d| { 88 if (d.keysAndValuesOwned) { 89 var it = d.dict.iterator(); 90 while ( |entry| { 91*); 92 entry.value_ptr.*.deinit(a); 93 } 94 } 95 d.dict.deinit(); 96 }, 97 } 98 } 99 100 pub fn asInt(self: BValue, comptime itype: type) !itype { 101 switch (self) { 102 .int => |i| { 103 return std.math.cast(itype, i) orelse error.Overflow; 104 }, 105 else => return error.WrongType, 106 } 107 } 108 109 pub fn asString(self: BValue) ![]const u8 { 110 switch (self) { 111 .string => |s| return s.string, 112 else => return error.WrongType, 113 } 114 } 115 116 pub fn asList(self: BValue) !std.ArrayList(BValue) { 117 switch (self) { 118 .list => |l| return l.list, 119 else => return error.WrongType, 120 } 121 } 122 123 pub fn asDict(self: BValue) !std.StringArrayHashMap(BValue) { 124 switch (self) { 125 .dict => |d| return d.dict, 126 else => return error.WrongType, 127 } 128 } 129 }; 130 131 pub fn bdecodeBuf(a: std.mem.Allocator, buf: []const u8) !BValue { 132 var fbs =; 133 return try bdecode(a, fbs.reader()); 134 } 135 136 pub fn bdecode(a: std.mem.Allocator, base_reader: anytype) anyerror!BValue { 137 var reader = PeekStream.init(base_reader.any()); 138 return bdecodeInner(a, &reader, 0); 139 } 140 141 const PeekStream ={ .Static = 1 },; 142 143 // Note: uses defined types only to avoid trying to recursively evaulate this function 144 // at compile time, otherwise we run into 145 fn bdecodeInner(a: std.mem.Allocator, peekStream: *PeekStream, depth: u32) !BValue { 146 if (depth > 100) { 147 // TODO diagnostic... 148 return error.Malformatted; 149 } 150 var reader = peekStream.reader(); 151 var byte = try reader.readByte(); 152 if (std.ascii.isDigit(byte)) { 153 try peekStream.putBackByte(byte); 154 return .{ .string = .{ 155 .owned = true, 156 .string = try readString(a, peekStream), 157 } }; 158 } else { 159 switch (byte) { 160 'i' => { 161 const max_len = comptime std.fmt.comptimePrint("{}", .{std.math.minInt(i64)}).len; 162 var s = reader.readUntilDelimiterAlloc(a, 'e', max_len) catch return error.Malformatted; 163 defer; 164 const i = std.fmt.parseInt(i64, s, 10) catch return error.Malformatted; 165 return .{ .int = i }; 166 }, 167 'l' => { 168 var r: BValue = .{ .list = .{ 169 .valuesOwned = true, 170 .list = std.ArrayList(BValue).init(a), 171 } }; 172 errdefer r.deinit(a); 173 while (true) { 174 const b2 = try reader.readByte(); 175 if (b2 == 'e') break; 176 try peekStream.putBackByte(b2); 177 var val = try bdecodeInner(a, peekStream, depth + 1); 178 errdefer val.deinit(a); 179 try r.list.list.append(val); 180 } 181 return r; 182 }, 183 'd' => { 184 var r: BValue = .{ .dict = .{ .keysAndValuesOwned = true, .dict = std.StringArrayHashMap(BValue).init(a) } }; 185 errdefer r.deinit(a); 186 while (true) { 187 const b2 = try reader.readByte(); 188 if (b2 == 'e') break; 189 try peekStream.putBackByte(b2); 190 var key = try readString(a, peekStream); 191 errdefer; 192 var val = try bdecode(a, reader); 193 errdefer val.deinit(a); 194 try r.dict.dict.put(key, val); 195 } 196 return r; 197 }, 198 else => return error.Malformatted, // TODO diagnostics 199 } 200 } 201 } 202 203 // Result is owned by the caller and must be freed 204 fn readString(a: std.mem.Allocator, peekStream: *PeekStream) ![]const u8 { 205 var reader = peekStream.reader(); 206 const max_len = comptime std.fmt.comptimePrint("{}", .{std.math.maxInt(usize)}).len; 207 const str_len_s = reader.readUntilDelimiterAlloc(a, ':', max_len) catch { 208 return error.Malformatted; 209 }; 210 defer; 211 var strlen = std.fmt.parseInt(usize, str_len_s, 10) catch return error.Malformatted; 212 var string = try a.alloc(u8, strlen); 213 errdefer; 214 reader.readNoEof(string) catch return error.Malformatted; 215 return string; 216 } 217 218 test "bdecode empty" { 219 var a = std.testing.allocator; 220 try std.testing.expectError(error.EndOfStream, bdecodeBuf(a, "")); 221 } 222 223 test "bdecode too short" { 224 var a = std.testing.allocator; 225 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "1")); 226 } 227 228 test "bdecode plain number" { 229 var a = std.testing.allocator; 230 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "12")); 231 } 232 233 test "bdecode garbage" { 234 var a = std.testing.allocator; 235 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "xz1234")); 236 } 237 238 test "bdecode number" { 239 var a = std.testing.allocator; 240 var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "i123e"); 241 defer bval.deinit(a); 242 try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(BValue{ .int = 123 }, bval); 243 } 244 245 test "bdecode number negative" { 246 var a = std.testing.allocator; 247 var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "i-123e"); 248 defer bval.deinit(a); 249 try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(BValue{ .int = -123 }, bval); 250 } 251 252 test "bdecode number empty" { 253 var a = std.testing.allocator; 254 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "ie")); 255 } 256 257 test "bdecode number just sign" { 258 var a = std.testing.allocator; 259 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "i-e")); 260 } 261 262 test "bdecode number no end" { 263 var a = std.testing.allocator; 264 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "i123123671283")); 265 } 266 267 test "bdecode number out of range" { 268 var a = std.testing.allocator; 269 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "i9223372036854775808e")); 270 } 271 272 test "bdecode string" { 273 var a = std.testing.allocator; 274 var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "5:hello"); 275 defer bval.deinit(a); 276 try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(BValue{ .string = .{ .owned = true, .string = "hello" } }, bval); 277 } 278 test "bdecode string too short" { 279 var a = std.testing.allocator; 280 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "5:hell")); 281 } 282 283 test "bdecode list" { 284 var a = std.testing.allocator; 285 var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "l5:hello5:worlde"); 286 defer bval.deinit(a); 287 try std.testing.expectEqual(@as(usize, 2), bval.list.list.items.len); 288 try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("hello", bval.list.list.items[0].string.string); 289 try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("world", bval.list.list.items[1].string.string); 290 } 291 292 test "invalid list" { 293 var a = std.testing.allocator; 294 try std.testing.expectError(error.EndOfStream, bdecodeBuf(a, "l5:hello5:world")); // missing end 295 } 296 297 test "dict" { 298 var a = std.testing.allocator; 299 var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "d5:hello5:worlde"); 300 defer bval.deinit(a); 301 var v = bval.dict.dict.getPtr("hello") orelse return error.TestExpectedNotNull; 302 try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("world", v.string.string); 303 } 304 305 test "invalid dict no value" { 306 var a = std.testing.allocator; 307 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "d5:hello5:world2:hie")); 308 } 309 310 test "invalid dict wrong key type" { 311 var a = std.testing.allocator; 312 try std.testing.expectError(error.Malformatted, bdecodeBuf(a, "di32e5:helloe")); 313 } 314 315 test "nested structure" { 316 var a = std.testing.allocator; 317 var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, "d5:hello5:world2:hili123ei456el4:nesteee"); 318 defer bval.deinit(a); 319 var v = bval.dict.dict.getPtr("hello") orelse return error.TestExpectedNotNull; 320 try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("world", v.string.string); 321 var v2 = bval.dict.dict.getPtr("hi") orelse return error.TestExpectedNotNull; 322 try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(v2.*.list.list.items[0], BValue{ .int = 123 }); 323 try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(v2.*.list.list.items[1], BValue{ .int = 456 }); 324 try std.testing.expectEqualStrings("nest", v2.*.list.list.items[2].list.list.items[0].string.string); 325 } 326 327 test "round trip" { 328 var a = std.testing.allocator; 329 const in = "d5:hello5:world2:hili123ei456el4:nesteee"; 330 var bval = try bdecodeBuf(a, in); 331 defer bval.deinit(a); 332 var bw = std.ArrayList(u8).init(a); 333 defer bw.deinit(); 334 var writer = bw.writer(); 335 try bval.bencode(writer); 336 var out = try bw.toOwnedSlice(); 337 defer; 338 try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(in, out); 339 }