BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
mainUpdate for zig masterMartin Ashby3 months
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2024-02-01Update for zig masterHEADmainMartin Ashby
2023-08-28Add library output as well as executableMartin Ashby
2023-08-28update build.zig for module systemMartin Ashby
2023-08-25Add build.zig.zonMartin Ashby
2023-08-22Decouple Router from std.http moduleMartin Ashby
2023-08-06Add structure parsing to form/query handlingMartin Ashby
2023-08-06Percent-decode query parameters like they shoud be according to the specMartin Ashby
2023-08-06Add path parsing, use itMartin Ashby
2023-07-30Import server and router from ziggit to zigwebserver for reuse in otherMartin Ashby
2023-07-18zig fmtMartin Ashby