1 # smtp-zig 2 3 SMTP client library for zig. 4 5 WORK IN PROGRESS. 6 7 TODO: 8 - [ ] Dot encoding/escaping 9 - [ ] Lots more tests 10 - [ ] Support more extensions and authentication mechanisms 11 - [ ] Zig package management 12 13 Code example: 14 ```zig 15 const std = @import("std"); 16 const smtp = @import("smtp"); 17 const Client = smtp.Client; 18 19 pub fn main() !void { 20 const mail = 21 \\Subject: test 22 \\From: <> 23 \\To: <> 24 \\ 25 \\This is a test message 26 ; 27 const user = std.os.getenv("SMTP_USERNAME").?; 28 const pass = std.os.getenv("SMTP_PASSWORD").?; 29 var client = try Client.init(std.heap.page_allocator, "", .{.user = user, .pass = pass}); 30 defer client.deinit(); 31 try client.send_mail("", &[_][]const u8{""}, mail); 32 try client.quit(); 33 } 34 ``` 35 36 This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.